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My theme 

Introspection is the examination of ones own conscious thoughts and feelings . This process is closely related to human self reflection and self discovery .In psychology , the process of introspection relies on the observation of ones mental state which can lead to the contrast of an external observation .

In a spiritual context , it may rely on the analysis of ones own soul. Introspection provides a privileged access to ones own mental state . This access can determine different mental states that include : sensory , cognitive , emotional , etc

The noun introspection stems from the latin ”introspicere” to look into , to examine from 1670. The prefix “intro” meaning “ the action of searching one feelings or thoughts is from 1807 .

Antonym – extravert , gregarious , extrovert, lack of attention , lack of care , callousness , neglect

Synonym –self analysis , soul – searching , introversion , self observation , self absorption ,pensiveness ,self-reflection , mediation , self discovery



In eastern Christianity some concepts addressing human needs , sober introspection , require watchfulness of the human heart and the conflicts of the human heart or mind. In 1 Corinthians 11:28
This verse clearly prescribes believers to self-reflect before taking part in communion. The reason Paul mentions this to the church is that there were many divisions and conflicts in the Corinthian community.



Introspection is encouraged in schools such as Advaita Vedanta; in order for one to know their own true nature, they need to reflect and introspect on their true nature—which is what meditation is.



Jains practise a process of repentance of wrongdoings during their daily life and remind themselves to refrain from doing so again .



The Buddhist tradition states that cultivating mindfulness in turn cultivates a sense referred to as “introspection” (or “sampajanna” in the original Sanskrit). Buddhist scholar Alan Wallace explains it as involving “the repeated examination of one's body and mind.”

Different psychology developments

Wilhelm Wundt

The father of experimental psychology is credited to Wilhelm Wundt .Building upon the pre existing use of introspection in psychology . Wundt developed a system of philosophy and ethics from the basic concepts of his psychology – bringing together several disciplines

Edward  Titchener 
Edward Titchener was an early pioneer in experimental psychology and student of Wilhelm Wundt. coined the word empathy (which is the ability to put oneself in another's shoes). Structuralism proposed that by defining, categorizing, and organizing aspects of the mind then mental processes could be understood.
I am going to explore introspection within the theme surrealism . By using this artistic technique, I can further investigate the human experience. Surrealism is a amazing artist outlet for introspection because I can explore the power of unconsciousness , the mental state and dreams

Artist Research 

The artist bases self examination through self portrait , photography , paintings and illustrations .  She maps out her internal struggle , mental state and conscious thought throughout her illustrations , which are detail oriented . Each work showcases the complexity of introspection , she juxtaposes factors that are emotional and visual. Her work Definity allows the audience to think and admire the beauty in every intricate detail. I want to use her usage of surrealism and 
I also want her use of outlines and negative space to influence my work . 

The illustrator primarily bases her work on race, politics, socials and culture .Notably , her subject matter is the black aesthetic / experience . She captures soul and intimacy in her artwork.​Her illustrations allows the viewer to have a glimpse into the world of that said subject. Her drawings often sustain warmth in it by her connections to the people she is drawing . Her drawing is usually in a portrait .

I really enjoy her tonal drawings in her work. She is very detail oriented . I like how unblended/smudged her work is , as in you can see every line and scribble on her work . I also like the absence of colour in her artwork which presents grit in her work.
I believe her drawings are very effective . Her artwork arouses an array of emotions for me . Her work indicates a lot of warmth and friendliness. They also evoke a sense of home , the comfort and safeness attached to being at home
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Barbara Walkers 
The  Big Secret III ( 2015) - conte and paint on paper  Photo by Chris  Keenan (002).jpg
Although her work possesses a friendliness to it , there is a lot of emotional content packed into it . For example her exhibition representing black service men . The silhouettes of these men present such roughness and hardship, that Barbara illustrates perfectly . Barbara’s brilliant artistry does not end there though ,as progressively through the exhibition she would rub out the artworks . Illustrating how the memory and history of these servicemen are scarcely represented 
Her work strongly interests me because of how effective it is at showing human emotion and detail. So from the work I've gathered I'm going to contribute it to my final work .
Her exhibitions 
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Her exhibitions are a collection are either framed neatly on  wall or are dramatically directly applied on the wall.
A notable element to her work is how sometimes she will directly draw her artwork on the walls of the exhibitions Often these drawings with tower over  the walls of the exhibitions powering over the audience . I like this element because it brings you into the world of the artist .
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I really like how they take up the whole wall as well . So you can see every detail

Other exhibitions I admire 


The exhibition showcases an array of dynamic artists located across the world . All the artists share an great sense of commitment and a attention to detail .

I really like how scattered the displays are . Giving each piece room to breathe and for the audience to step back and view .

Surrealism aims to revolutionise human experience. It balances a rational vision of life with one that asserts the power of the unconscious and dreams. The movement's artists find magic and strange beauty in the unexpected and the uncanny, the disregarded and the unconventional.
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The characteristics of surrealism

•Dreams and unconscious state

•Distorted figures

•Illogical juxtapositions

•biomorphic objects


•Spontaneous occurrences throughout

•Personal iconography

•Unique techniques

I admire how surrealism artists capture the reality in their own personal way .I really enjoy surrealism , because it allows me to questions my own authenticity and to view my surroundings in a different way .
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My theme is based upon introspection , so I think surrealism will be a ideal outlet to explore this subject . Surrealism is notorious for the alliance between reality and the unconscious state , which is something I want to illustrate in my work .
Environmental impact 
This research was important as it informed me as creative practitioner to be more cautious of mediums I am using because of the impact they may have on the environment .
Tonal pencils 

Pencils are partly renewable . Because they are made from wood , this causes deforestation.

Thankfully many pencils nowadays are created with reforested wood . Which helps with deforestation. Graphite is non renewable as it is made from open pit mining. Open pit mining to can cause landslides due to the stripping of vegetation from that area . A solution that was implemented to avoid mining was making artificial graphite . This solution is a bit controversial seeing as it made with crude oil which is not the most eco friendly .

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint is made from synthetic resin called acrylic polymer. Which is literally liquid plastic . This is an obvious harm to the environment because it emits carbon dioxide .

It can be quite difficult to find a eco friendly alternative to acrylic paint , so usually this medium was a bit controversial.  

Art ethics 

Art ethics are about artistic sensitivity and responsibility shown towards the viewer. Morals are usually presented in these artworks that questions beliefs , values and ideology presented or resented in society  

Also these works should showcase uniqueness and individual vision

This has informed me as an artist because it allows me to be expressive.

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